5000+ Waves are in over 60+ countries!

Hi, pals! I am helping co-lead a small group of teens weekly. We come together to talk about what God is doing in all of our lives, and the struggles we have faced or are facing. I want to see them empowered to be who God has called them to be. I hope many of you will soon begin to realize that no matter what age you are, you can always start a WAVE! Thank y’all!
— Linzee

The Purpose

WAVES is growing worldwide and has not slowed down since it started in 2016. Our students are doing projects all over the globe in their local communities. At the same time they growing in their identity with Christ and discovering their purpose. Below you will find information about the Global Team and the mentors who help them. You can contact our Global Team Mentors and ask questions. You can get personalized training for issues your WAVE may be facing.

The Team 

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The founder of WAVES has always had a passion for preparing todays generation to become tomorrow leaders. For over 20 years he has always believed that he will never do something for a teenager that they can do themselves. Jesus picked 12 disciples who were all under the age of 25, and he believes that teenagers have the same ability just like the teenagers Jesus picked. Tim has helped empower thousands of teenagers and helped over 500,000 find their identity in Christ through his book Pray21. Teenagers want to be part of something, but sometimes they do not know how to express it. With a little push it is amazing that these students can do. Tim really believes that a mentors job is to stay in the background and let the teenagers learn as they go.

Tim is very busy but there are a few options for getting in touch with him.

  • Email: tim@wavesinaction.org
  • Call: 989.427.3737
  • Speaking: timothyeldred.com/speaking/



Parker has been in WAVES since the beginning and grew up in a youth-in-ministry mindset. He has been through WAVES and knows how easy it can be to make a difference. He has spent many years learning what it is like to be given the reigns from a mentor. He has used that experience to better himself and the WAVE he was in. Contacting Parker is a great idea if you have questions in the following areas:

  • How to go from youth ministry to youth-in-ministry.
  • General questions about how WAVES works.
  • Help in regards to running an event.
  • General inquires. 





Ruth has been with WAVES for a couple years and now runs our operations in Kenya. 

  • List things she can help with.

WAVES Spotlight


We currently have over 600 stories of daily things our WAVES are doing to create a better world. We could not be happier with all the small things our students are doing to make a difference. Some stories will just blow your mind with how thoughtful and creative our WAVES are. Below we have a few for you to read through and enjoy. 

From sex trafficking to suicide and many issues in between, WAVES are putting their faith in action and experiencing Jesus working through their lives to transform the world. We like to update this page a lot so be sure to check back regularly for new stories.