LQBTQ Rights
They say each generation receives new advancements that the generation before did not, and they also inherit situations that the previous generations have not solved yet. What defines the generation is how they handle the two. While this has been a hot button topic in years past, we at WAVES do not take a political stance, but we do stand for treating everyone with love. God calls us to love on others, and that is just what we want to do!
The baby boomers saw technological advances never before imaged, but inherited the civil rights era. Gen X inherited a booming economy, but were faced with a cold war that “could” go off with just the smallest wrong thing said into a hot microphone. Millennials were the first generation to truly have the whole world opened up to them, but inherited the topic of gay marriage. While each generation before has been defined by what they did with their situation… the millennials chapter is not finished yet. Maybe the topic of LGBTQ is the “baton” that has been handed off to this generation. How will the chapter finish?
This is brand new issue on our list, and are waiting for a few people to take it on. You can tell us about your plan to make a difference.